Level Up
Be The Rider You've
Always Dreamed Of!
You work to be the best rider you can be,
but hard work is just one part of the equation.
It's time to implement a framework that will help you
get to the next level in your riding.

Best Selling Products
Are You Ready?
Let's make this YOUR year!
Monthly, Weekly & Daily Sections PLUS Pages for Lessons, Competitions, Bodywork & More

For riders who made this shift and realized the power of journaling, everything, and I mean
EVERYTHING, changed.
CREATE a crystal clear vision of what you want to achieve. UNCOVER the hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success. START feeling renewed, energized, and inspired to grow and improve with your horse and your trainer.

Included In Your Journal

Map Out The Big Picture
This section allows you to plan ahead for a fun outing, competition or to see at a glance upcoming farrier and medical appointments.

Zero In On Progress
This section guides you to plan action steps and rate your progress. Includes an area for your trainer to comment for an outside perspective.

Make Your Rides Count
This section is where you write down your observations after every experience with your horse, and plan the next steps to achieve your goals.

Take Out The Guesswork
This section provides a simple way to record and access your horse’s health information so you do not have to guess when they were last shod or the range of their normal body temperature.

The Power to Change
We also have goal setting pages, lesson pages, competition pages, bodywork pages, wall journals, journals for tracking multiple horses, and more to give your thoughts power and set you up for success.
Why Our Customers Love Us

“If you’ve ever felt like you need a way to help you remember your lessons or record significant observations about your horse this is the solution for you!”
- JJ Tate

“I can’t recommend these amazing journals enough to track your daily/weekly/monthly equine activities. I use mine daily to track progression with my horses and to help me keep track of worming schedules, bodywork, and trimming notes.”
- Jillian Kreinbring

“One of the most powerful training aids you’ll ever incorporate into your program. I have been using The wheelchair Equestrian Journal for over a year now and the positive changes it has made in my training and coaching have been undeniable! All of my students and owners have their own journals for their horses and we keep track of everything…#journalthat has become our mantra.
I’ve especially enjoyed having my journal with me at competitions and when I’m able to ride with my personal coach. Keeping track of things like how long ye this horse warm up for, what type of extra supplements worked best for that horse during travel, do I need to ride this horse differently away from home than I normally do, etc."
- Megan Compton

"The Equestrian Journal further enables us to help our horses to the best of our ability! I can’t wait to share the power of these journals with all of my fellow horse lovers as we aspire to be better horsemen."
- Cara Greenacre

“The journal pages are a great resource for recording observations, tidbits of wisdom, lesson diagrams, and useful exercises; they really help enhance the learning process! It is also very helpful to have pages to record appointments, reminders, and plan on a monthly basis in addition to the weekly and daily pages. I highly recommend The Equestrian Journal for anyone – both students and professionals can benefit greatly from having this tool in their toolbox!”
- Stephanie

“Elizabeth and I both have utilized the Equestrian Journal for years. Elizabeth uses it to track her training with WiFi and has used it at Sweet Briar to help track her rides there. I admit I was hesitant to use it at first because “What am I going to have to journal about??” I’m only walking and trotting. Nothing to journal there.....boy was I wrong!! Journaling really helped me pinpoint what my PTSD triggers in the saddle are. Which means that Megan and I have been able to address them or work around them if needed. I’ve been able to keep track of how far I’ve come...even with my little setbacks. The 2 times Chaucer has been unusually spooky up at the barn have ended up being the two times he’s had issues down at the arena...yep #journalthat. I have gotten a little behind on journaling after each ride, but I’ve committed to getting back at it because it’s so helpful. No matter what type of riding you do, or what level you ride at, this is an amazing tool to help you!”
- Laura Martin

“I have been enjoying The Equestrian Journal for over a year now and the positive changes it has made in my training and coaching have been undeniable! All of my students and owners have their own journals for their horses and we all keep track of everything... #journalthat has become our mantra!
I've especially enjoyed having my journal with me at competitions and when I'm able to go ride with my personal coach. keeping track of things like how long should this horse warm up for, what type of extra supplements worked for this horse during travel, do I need to ride this horse differently away from home than I would usually do, etc. We all know that no two days are exactly alike with our equine partners, and The Equestrian Journal makes it easier for me to make sure I stay on top of my game for each horse in my program. I so appreciate all that Catherine has done and the wonderful additions she continues to make to an already outstanding training aid!”
- Megan Compton

“I have used The Equestrian Journal for my personal use and for my students. The journal has a really nice format with helpful guidelines on getting started if you're new to journaling. I particularly like the lesson pages, which allow room for reflection and provide guiding questions regarding one's observations, goals, and methods that worked and didn't work. There is even a section that allows for diagramming the exercise, which is very useful for students who are riding on their own in between lessons and want to remember exactly what we set up. This is a great purchase for any rider who wants to be able to get the most out of their lessons or training sessions!”
- Stephanie Swites

“We are fans of this journaling system. For those that journal, and especially those that don’t; This part of the Equestrian Journal [competition pages] is fantastic. I give it to students and ask them to return it at the end of the weekend. It helps me see where they are.”
- High Point Farm

We all know that no two days are exactly alike with our equine partners, and TEJ makes it easier for me to make sure I stay on top of my game for each horse in my program.”
- Amazon Customer

“In the busy and exciting world of training horses, The Equestrian Journal has been a lifesaver that helps me keep track of the daily progress of both riders and horses. It is a tool that my riders and I will never go without!”
- Jennifer Flowers

“The Equestrian Journal has so many amazing attributes. There’s thought-provoking questions, horse and rider diagrams, and monthly, weekly, and daily prompts. Not to mention the beauty in the clean and crisp white pages that are waiting to be filled. What makes a journal so special is that it contains information to remember the journey with my horses. The good, the bad, and the ugly, but that’s what makes each story unique. The Equestrian Journal is there to hold that space for every equestrian to track, stay informed, and to feel fulfilled with their journey.”
- Karson Jones

"The journals have made a huge difference in my riding. Having an organized space to write down new information not only allows me to reiterate what my instructor told me but I am able to retain the information better for my next ride. I feel as though I am progressing quicker because my trainer doesn't have to keep repeating herself in our lessons.
I now approach my rides with a different mindset. Also allows me to notice changes that I may not have realized if it was not written down. Being able to go back 5 months ago to a specific day has been beyond beneficial for many reasons.”
- Karrie Dash

“I just got my Equestrian Journal in the mail and am excited to start using it to track my rides. I think it is a great way to reflect on rides and also come up with what to focus on during the next ride. One of my favorite features of the journal is the quotes by great dressage masters scattered throughout the book.”
- James G.

“Perfectly set up! Both I and my trainer love the layouts. We have been seriously preparing for this year’s show season. This method keeps us on track and really helps us track progress, methods, successes, etc. HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL TRAINERS AND STUDENTS!!!”
- Jeannette Weaver

“Great tool for planning, organizing and tracking riding goals/progress along with health of horse.”
- Amazon Customer

“I’m a senior adult amateur dressage rider schooling a rescue pony (read: aged little horse with no formal training) at USEF Training Level – 1st Level. I’m in my fifth week of this journal. I had been documenting every training session and clinic (ride and audit) in a plain old college-ruled spiral bound notebook, but my barn buddy and show pal came back from a week with JJ Tate excited about this new equestrian-specific journal she learned about. I love how this journal has a section with one month on two pages, another with a weekly summary per page, and then a full page for each day’s session, plus extra room in the back. I’m still figuring out the best way for me to use this book, but I feel like the compact format and specific sessions with my trainer force me to be more organized and succinct. When I review my week in preparation for my sessions with my trainer, I find I can remember my observations and questions more easily, making my time with her more efficient.”
- Marie Pruden

“The Equestrian Journal is a MUST HAVE for anyone who is serious about their equestrian journey. I have found it so helpful, not only to document each ride, but also to track any changes in feed, injuries, saddle fit, massage, shoeing, dental work and vet, heat cycles in my mare, etc. It’s amazing how much more perceptive I am to “small” changes which can make a profound difference down the line. Highly recommended!”
- DS

“Inspires me to track rides. Well thought out, and applicable. This journal can be used by anyone creative ."
- High Point Farm

"I have found that since I’ve started using The Equestrian Journal I have been remembering my individual rides in detail when I go back and review the day’s session. It has created a system of recall so that I can remember what I learned for the day and I’m no longer just losing the full value of my lessons and clinics. It’s also been instrumental in pointing out trends and regular issues that need to be worked through or addressed in my body or for Spice. It has also been incredibly helpful for tracking health issues so I know exactly what day that colic was, when those wear spots showed up, or when he got roughed up by his neighbor.
When riding regularly, it’s easy to forget just how far you have come in a short period of time. It may feel as if you’ve had a problem forever. You may not think you’ve made any progress since your last show. Using The Equestrian Journal has really helped me realize exactly how much progress I’ve made in a short 4 weeks! I’m going into my show this weekend feeling pumped for our progress and ready to see how a judge thinks our training is going!”
- Rachel Masen

“I REALLY love this product and highly recommend it to anyone who rides with a goal in mind (no matter how many days a week, or how small or big the goal). Having access to your experiences written fresh as they happen really changes the way you approach daily training sessions. The organization of the system also ensures that you’ll never be overwhelmed and give up and your information isn’t hidden in some rarely seen application on your phone. It’s right there in front of you to flip open and read."
- Decidedly Equestrian

"I am in love with The Equestrian Journal. It's helping me to reflect after my sessions in a way that really allows me to see what happened, draw connections, and see where I need to work and progress based off of the individual improvements my horses or I need to make, rather than what our next step "should" be.
This journal has also caused me to begin to work with my horses differently, in a way that I'm being more mindful of the connections between how I'm working with them and how they're responding. It's caused me to be more clear in how I'm working with them so I can be clear in my writing. This journal is allowing us to steadily improve in a completely customized way.
Not to mention, Catherine is fantastic and thorough with her responses to you and is super with customer service. As a fellow rider and journal user, she truly cares about your experience and your feedback."
- Kara Cumberton

"My wonderful friend, Catherine has developed a product that not only helps me visualize and process my training program, track progress with all the horses, keep updated on all the changes to tack as the horses develop, and note any health issues, but also gives me a space to be braver in the development of my program. I find goal setting extremely useful for each horse, and this journal allows me to write it all down from the baby-step stages all the way to completion of the goal. When you're able to look back and see what changes have been made not only in your training but just the overall relationship with a specific horse, it's something really special! The Equestrian Journal is quickly becoming one of my most important training tools -- thank you, Catherine!! ”
- Megan Compton

"I just listened to your interview on HorseWorldConnect.com regarding The Equestrian Journal. You did a great job! I use mine daily and it has really helped me to see that my setbacks aren’t as big as I thought they were. I'm a bit of a worrier and I’m emotional about my horses. For me, the greatest thing the journal does is organize my previous rides and the exercises performed. As a result, I have been able to change my perspective and improve my outlook. When looking back on the progress we’ve made, my emotional worry and frustration disappear.”
- Susan W.

“Journaling has been great for me! Still writing everything down like crazy, and get a little bent out of shape when I get behind in writing lol! Not sure it has totally stuck with most of my clients, I know some jot some stuff on a calendar. Which I thought the calendar idea was a cool one. I know my one client does it to track her mares behavior. Would love for more of them to jump on the bandwagon of writing. Want to get them all journals for Christmas, so they have no excuse haha!”
- Emily Gill

“The Equestrian Journal has so many amazing attributes. There’s thought-provoking questions, horse and rider diagrams, and monthly, weekly, and daily prompts. Not to mention the beauty in the clean and crisp white pages that are waiting to be filled. What makes a journal so special is that it contains information to remember the journey with my horses. The good, the bad, and the ugly, but that’s what makes each story unique. The Equestrian Journal is there to hold that space for every equestrian to track, stay informed, and to feel fulfilled with their journey.
Not sure what you’re even supposed to write or where to begin? They have you covered! At the beginning of the journal, they offer prompt starters to get you thinking about what to write. One of my favorites is their “descriptive emotions”… a few of my favorite words from here are flummoxed (I definitely had to look up the definition), whimsical, and inquisitive. Super fun, right?”